Echoes in Eternity

Are you living your faith on purpose?

What sort of legacy do you want to leave for your family’s future generations? Have you ever thought about what your family will be like a hundred years from now?

If you’re like me, you hope to pass on a legacy of faithfulness to Jesus. I’ve spent my life helping people learn to live an honest and authentic life with Jesus, and I would love to start that journey with you at Grace Church.

This is important because it seems what we’ve been doing isn’t working any more. 65% of churches in America are in decline and the global pandemic has exacerbated and accelerated this alarming trend. Clearly, something needs to change.

If you want your future generations to have a chance of knowing God we must deal with some hard questions and perhaps try things we haven’t tried before. We have to get this right.

For everything worthwhile in life, attaining proficiency requires consistent, focused practice. But how exactly do we “practice” Christianity? Believe it or not, there are spiritual practices Christians have been utilizing for thousands of years to develop a deeper connection to God, each other, and the rest of the world, and learning which practices are right for you starts with understanding how God has uniquely made you.

Imagine your family a hundred years from now still active in their churches and faith communities, serving their neighborhoods and being salt and light to their world. What if that legacy begins with you?

I would love to meet with you to get this conversation rolling, so schedule a meeting with me today. Just tap this link: Let’s Have Coffee

Let’s start living our faith on purpose together.

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