Ohana Means Family

What if you could be yourself and still be accepted and loved?

Almost all churches have things they emphasize—things they use as litmus tests to determine if a person is really “in” or “out.” But at Grace Church we have always sought to be a melting pot of traditions and people. Like the “Island of Misfit Toys,” Grace Church is a place where “rejects” from all walks can find home together.

This is who we are because we believe this genuinely reflects the heart of God for you and the rest of the world. We believe the only way we can experience the fullness of the life and love of God is together. But the ways we hide ourselves from one another out of fear, anger, or shame prevent us from ever really being present with other people. In this hiding, we rob ourselves and each other from real opportunities to grow more into the Faith of Christ.

Discussion Questions

  1. What parts of yourself are you hiding from other people? Why? Maybe it’s a belief, doubts, past hurts, or current struggles.

  2. What are the masks you’ve chosen to hide behind? These masks could be anything from special interests, to politics, or even religion.

There is room for everyone at the Lord’s Table, and that means there is room for you at Grace Church.

Sermon Audio